Cooporate Social Responsibility

Cooporate Social Responsibility

Within the framework of CSR, the Cooperative takes care of its most important resource: the worker. The Human Resources areas plan the annual needs of the stevedore to carry out an action plan for aid work that enhances their quality of life, such as:

Delivery of school supplies for each of the children at the different levels of the school year they are in.
Scholarships and collaboration for transfers and purchase of books and textbooks.
Agreements with educational centers for students who require their first work experience with paid internships and generation of jobs for students related to tasks related to the Cooperative: mechanics, electricians, etc.
Own training center for machinists: it operates within the Machine Operating Center, with the purpose of teaching the trade of machinists from parents to children, managing to create third-generation teams.
Solidary contribution for festive dates such as the Children's Day with recreational events, New Year's Eve celebrations, delivery of baskets with Christmas-related merchandise.
Social and recreational trips for the stevedore and his family, ensuring leisure and resting time as a labor right, which will help restore their energy and physical integrity.